Donate now.
It is your turn to put solidarity in action: you can help us restore safety and dignity for people on the move on Europe's borders.
People on the move are still trapped on Lesvos. Since the fires of Moria Camp, the Greek island has almost disappeared from public perception - but people continue to embark on the dangerous journeys to Europe in search of safety. Upon arrival, they face inhumane living conditions and discrimination.
Two years ago, we saved a unique community center when other NGOs left the island. In a time of high political uncertainty and constant withdrawal of support and international attention, we continue leading a network of partner organizations and offer a wide range of services including basic needs, education and psychosocial activities. But first and foremost, we offer people on the move a sense of community and belonging.
Your donation allows us to ...

... provide daily food and drinks to all our visitors in our Free Café.​

... provide a welcoming safe space to all people on the move on Lesvos.

... provide a base of operation to empower civil society.​
We are a recognized charitable organization in Germany, Greece and Switzerland. For direct donations via bank transfer, please use the following information:
Europe Cares e.V.
DE13 4306 0967 1240 9049 00
Paréa AMKE
GR02 0110 4150 0000 4150 1049 732
CH96 8080 8004 1649 0056